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​IOS App - UX Revision
UX Research | UX/UI Design | Design QA

Previous V.

New Design

Re-visionary Conclusions 

Step 01

App learning & research


Our learning process​

  1. Downloading and using App

  2. General Radio usage statistics

  3. Radio App analytics data mining

  4. Radio Apps research

  5. Building flow map

  6. Radio App features analysing

  7. UX design implementation

  8. Radio Apps research results & conclusions

  9. Presenting & Brainstorm Appointment

  10. Decision making

Step 02

App Redesign


Our design process included 

  1. Three design options 

  2. Developing one chosen design option

  3. File handling

  4. Design QA

The learning process and the flow we built helped us to reorder functions groups and to put them together on the right hierarchy over the screen.

Using the screen space wisely by locating functions group following the flow we built.


The process also helped with marketing decisions & product strategy.


Right after the learning process, we designed 3 different UX/UI design option, which the client had to choose his favorite one and keep on to step 2




By Tal Shrestha

Frequency based radio application



Our mission was to improve the application of User Experience by identifying ways to make the app easier and clear to use, also to improve existing elements functionality.


We started by doing cross research of Radio applications and to build a user flow which will be clear for us and for how do we expect the user to use the app, and how to make it easier for him to reach his needs.



Screen Size adaptation & Style Guide

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